past exhibition


© Wonho Lee,  ART NOW, 2006, diasec, c-printing, 120 X 160 cm

 conceptual reflexions (2)


44 Years Brigitte March ICA



Joseph Beuys

Siegfried Cremer

Ugo Dossi

Gloria Friedmann

Rula Halawani

Concha Jerez

Wonho Lee

Les Levine

Morgan O'Hara

Anne & Patrick Poirier

Friedrich Wessbecher



exhibition June 6 - June 30, 2021

Die Ausstellung ist gefördert durch Neustart Kultur und der Stiftung KunstFonds Bonn.

 The exhibition is sponsored by Neustart Kultur und Stiftung KunstFonds Bonn.

© exhibition view Brigitte March Stuttgart 2021 © the artists sponsored by Neustart Kultur  I  StiftungKunstFonds

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Outside of these times, please call the gallery or e-mail to


You are welcome  !


© Brigitte March International Contemporary Art